
Question 1

A mixture of 2 mole of A and 1 mole of B was allowed to reach equilibrium in a 1L vessel according to the following equation:

3A_{(l)}+2B_{(l)}\rightleftharpoons C_{(l)}+2D_{(l)}

The equilibrium mixture was found to contain 0.4 moles of B.

Calculate the value for Kc of this reaction.

Answer:0.507mol-2 dm(Working)

Question 2

7.43g of SO2Cl2 was put in a 2dm3 sealed vessel.

At equilibrium the contained 0.0345mol of Cl2. Calculate the equilibirum constant for the reaction:

SO_2Cl_{2(g)}\rightleftharpoons SO_{2(g)}+Cl_{2(g)}

Answer: 0.597mol dm-3 (Working)

Question 3

The following equilibria was found to contain 3 moles of HI, 6 moles of H2 and 1 mole of I2.

2HI_{(g)}\rightleftharpoons H_{2(g)}+I_{2(g)}Find kc.

Answer: 1.5 (Working)

Question 4

The following equilibria was found to contain 3 moles of NO2 and 6.7 moles of N2O4. The
total pressure of the sealed vessel was 101350Pa.

N_2O_{4(g)} \rightleftharpoons 2NO_{2(g)}

Calculate Kp.

Question 5

The following equilibria was established. It has a Kp of 7.48 × 10–8 kPa–2. The mixture has a total pressure of 5MPa. The partial pressures of H2 and NH3 are 2814 and 1250 respectively.

N_{2(g)} + 3H_{2(g)}\rightleftharpoons 2NH_{3(g)}

Calculate the mole fraction of N2

Question 6

9.20 g of N2O4(g) was heated to a temperature of 340 K at a pressure of 13.3 kPa.

N_2O_{4(g)} \rightleftharpoons 2NO_{2(g)}

Once equilibrium had been reached, 70% of the N2O4(g) had dissociated.
Use this information to calculate Kp

Question 7

The following equilibrium was established in a 2dm3 vessel at a particular temperature. 0.20 moles of H2 was mixed with an unknown amount of I2. At equilibrium 0.24 moles of HI were made.

H_{2(g)} + I_{2(g)} \rightleftharpoons 2HI{(g)}

If Kc = 10.00 calculate the number of moles of Iodine present at the start.

Question 8

Consider the following equilibria:

2SO_{2(g)} + O_{2(g)}\rightleftharpoons 2SO_{3(g)} \Delta H =-197 kJ mol^{-1}
a) Explain what happens to the equilibria and the value of Kc if the temperature is increased?
b) Explain what happens to the equilibria and the value of Kc if more SO2 is added?
c) Explain what happens to the equilibria and the value of Kc if the pressure id doubled?
d) Explain what happens to the equilibria and the value of Kc if a catalyst is added?

Question 9

In a different reaction, Catherine wants to make butyl ethanoate. She reacts butanol with ethanoic acid in 50 cm3 of water in a round bottomed flask.

C_4H_9OH_{(l)} + CH_3COOH_{(l)} \rightleftharpoons CH_3COOC_4H_{9(l)} + H_2O_{(l)}

She wishes to make exactly 0.25 mol of butyl ethanoate. If she starts with 0.5 mol of ethanoic acid, how much butanol should she add? (Kc for the equilibrium at 20oC is 3.0. The density of water is 1 g cm–3)

Question 10

N2O4(l) is an important component of rocket fuel.  Equilibrium is established in the reaction

N_2O_{4(g)}\rightleftharpoons 2NO_{2(g)}

Given: 3.00 L container, 8.31 g N2O4, 1.82 g NO2

What is the Kc for this reaction?

Question 11

51g of CH3COOCH2CH3 was mixed with 36g of water containing some HCl as a catalyst for the hydrolysis reaction. When the equilibrium was reached the solution was made up to 250cm3 and a 25 cm3 sample was titrated against 1 mol dm-3 NaOH solution.

The ethanoic acid formed required 29.5 cm3 of NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. Find Kc for the reaction:

CH_3COOCH_2CH_{3(l)}\rightleftharpoons CH_3COOH_{(l)}+CH_3CH_2OH_{(l)}

Question 12

The two common chlorides of Phosphorus, PCl3 and PCl5, both important in the production of other phosphorous compounds, coexist in equilibrium through:

PCl_{3 (g)} + Cl_{2 (g)} \rightleftharpoons PCl_{5 (g)}

At 250 oC, an equilibrium mixture in a 2.50 L flask contains 0.105 g PCl5, 0.220 g PCl3, and 2.12 g Cl2. What are the values of (a) Kc and (b) Kp for this reaction?

Question 13

Ethyl acetate is formed by the reaction between ethanol and acetic acid and the equilibrium is represented as:

CH_3COOH_{(l)}+C_2CH_5OH_{(l)}\rightleftharpoons CH_3COOC_2H_{5(l)}+H_2O_{(l)}

i) At 293K, if one starts with 1.5 mol of acetic acid and 0.27 moles of ethanol, there is 0.213 moles of ethyl acetate at equilibrium. Calculate Kc.

ii) Starting with 0.6 mol of ethanol and 1.0 mol of acetic acid at temperature of 293K, 0.227 mol of water were noted at equilibrium. Has equilibrium been reached?

Question 14

Kp for a reaction is 0.04 atm at 899K for the equilibrium shown below:

2A_{(g)}+2B_{(g)}\rightleftharpoons C_{(g)}+3D_{(g)}

What is the equilibrium concentration of A if the initial concentrations of A and B were 4.0 atm each?

Question 15

FeO can be reduced by CO to form Fe and COas seen in the following equation:

FeO_{(s)}+CO_{(g)}\rightleftharpoons Fe_{(s)}+CO_{2(g)}

What are the equilibrium partial pressures of CO and CO2 at 1050K if the initial partial pressures are 1.4 and 0.8atm respectively and Kp = 0.265?

Question 16

The Kp for the following reaction is 1.6 x 105 at 1024K:

H_{2(g)}+Br_{2(g)}\rightleftharpoons 2HBr_{(g)}

Find the equilibrium pressures of all gases if 10 bar of HBr was introduced into a sealed container.

Question 17

The water-gas shift reaction is important in several chemical processes, such as the production of H2 for fuel cells. This reaction can be written as follows:

H_{2(g)}+CO_{2(g)}\rightleftharpoons H_2O_{(g)}+CO_{(g)}

K = 0.106 at 700 K. If a mixture of gases that initially contains 0.0150 M H2 and 0.0150 M CO2 is allowed to equilibrate at 700 K, what are the final concentrations of all substances present?

Harder Questions

Question 18

A sealed flask containing gases A and B in the mole ratio 1:3 was maintained at 750 K  until equilibrium was established:

A_{(g)}+3B_{(g)}\rightleftharpoons 2C_{(g)}

The partial pressure of C in teh equilibirum mixture was 6 atm when the total pressure was 22 atm. Find Kp.

Question 19

1.4 moles of SO3(g) are placed into a 4.70 dm3 container and heated to 1105 K.

2SO_{3(g)} \rightleftharpoons 2SO_{2(g)} + O_{2(g)}

• The total pressure of the equilibrium mixture is 3.45 × 106 Pa.
• Use this information to calculate Kp

Hint: Use PV=nRT to find total moles at equilibrium.

Question 20

2NO_2\rightleftharpoons 2NO + O_2

NO2 is dissociated to the extent of 56.6% @ 494 oC 99kPa. At what pressure will the dissociation be 80% @ 494 oC?

Hint: Find Kp when there is 56.6% dissociation first.

Question 9

Sulfur dichloride dioxide has an apparent molecular mass of 96.5g mol-1 at 400oC and a pressure of 1atm. Calculate the equilibrium constant kc of the reaction at this temperature.

\dpi{100} SO_2Cl_2\rightleftharpoons SO_2+Cl_2

Answer:0.026mol dm-3 (Working)

Question 10

In the equilibrium:

\dpi{100} N_2O_4\rightleftharpoons 2NO_2

2.50g of dinitrogen tetroxide occupy a volume of 1.00dm3 at 1atm and 25oC. Calculate: a) the degree of dissociation, and b) the equilibrium constant

Answer: 0.0549 mol dm-3 (Working)