Question 1

Define electronegativity and explain the trend down group VII.

Question 2

Draw a chart showing the electronegativities of group VII. Explain the trends shown in the chart.

Question 3

Draw a chart showing the bond enthalpies of the halogen. Explain the trends shown in the chart.

Question 4

Discuss the acidity of the hydrogen halides and explain why some acids are considered to be weak acids whilst other hydrogen halides are considered to be very strong acids.

Question 5

NaBr can be used in the preparation of both HBr and Br2. Write reactions for these transformations and discuss any differences between the reactions of NaBr and those of NaCl and NaI.

Question 6

Describe a method of preparation of anhydrous AlCl3. How can this be purified?

Question 7

Describe a method of preparation for FeCl2 and FeCl3.

Question 8

Cl2 reacts differently with cold and hot NaOH. Write equations for the two different sets of conditions.

Question 9

Explain the trends in boiling points for the halogens.

Question 10

Explain the trends in boiling points for the hydrogen halides.

Question 11

An aqueous solution of 0.1M HF is 7.8% dissociated. Calculate Ka for the reaction.

Question 12

A Cl and F compound has the percentage composition 37.4% Cl and 61.6% F. 0.181g of the gaseous compound occupies 46 cm3 at 20oC and 1 atm. Draw the shape of the compound.

Question 13

Draw the shapes of the following ions:

BrF3, ClO2, ClO4, IF5, ICl2

Question 14

Cl2, Br2 and I2 will all oxidise H2S to S. Cl2 and Br2 will oxidise NO2 to NO3– whilst I2 will not. Cl2 will oxidise Br to Br2. Write equations for all reactions and explain which halogen is the strongest oxidising agent.

Question 15

Cl2 and I2 have different oxidising powers. Using their reaction with S2O32- show which is the strongest oxidising agent.

Question 16

F2 can only form the -1 oxidation state whilst all the other halogens have multiple oxidation states. Explain.

Question 17

Iodine is practically insoluble in water but soluble in CCl4. Explain.

Question 18

Whilst I2 is insoluble in water, it will dissolve in a solution of KI. Explain.

Question 19

SiCl4 can be hydrolysed with water to form SiO2 and HCl. An unknown volume of liquid SiCl4 was added to 400 cm3 of water. When 0.02M solution of AgNO3 was added to the mixture 13.45g of precipitate was formed. If SiCl4 has a density of 1.48 g cm-3, find the volume of SiCl4 added to water.

Question 20

In each of the following reactions, balance the reaction and identify the oxidant and the reductant.

i) Cr_2O_7^2^-+I^-+H^+\rightarrow Cr^3^++I_2+H_2O

ii) O_3-Br^-+H^+\rightarrow O_2+Cl_2+H_2O

iii) SO_4^2^-+Br^-+H^+\rightarrow SO_2+Br_2+H_2O

iv) HNO_3+I_2\rightarrow HIO_3+NO+H_2O