Question 1

Why are the elements with atomic numbers 21 to 30 classified together, as a series, in the periodic table?

Are there any sub-groups in this main group?

Question 2

Write down the electronic configurations of:

scandium, scandium (III), manganese, manganese (II), chromium, iron (II), iron (III), copper, copper (I), zinc

Question 3

What is the oxidation number of chromium in:

CrO42-, Cr3+, CrO3, Cr2O3, CrF2, [Cr(H2O)5NH3]Cl3, K2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24H2O

Question 4

An aqueous violet solution is treated with NaOH and a gelatinous blue green precipitate is forms. Excess hydroxide converts this to a clear green solution. When sodium Na2O2 is added a yellow solution forms which becomes orange when treated with excess acid. Explain.

Question 5

Complete and balance the following equations:

i) MnO_4^-+H^++Fe^2^+\rightarrow

ii) Cr_2O_7^2^-+H^++NO_2^-\rightarrow

iii) MnO_2+MnO_4^-+OH^-\rightarrow

iv) MnO_2+H^++Br^-\rightarrow

Question 6

Complex ions are readily formed when H2O interacts with cations but not when H3O+ interact with cations. Explain.

Question 7

The standard redox potential for a system are:

V^3^+ + e^-\rightarrow V^2^+\: \: \: E^o=+0.20V

Fe^3^+ + e^-\rightarrow Fe^2^+\: \: \: E^o=-0.77V

Predict what will happen when:

i) solution of 1M Fe3+ and 1M V3+ are mixed;

ii) solution of 1M Fe2+ and 1M V3+ are mixed;

iii) solution of 1M Fe3+ and 1M V2+ are mixed;

Question 8

The colours of CrCl3.6H2O vary depending on concetration and temperature. Account for the possibility of this variation.

Question 9

How could one distinguish between [CrCl(H2O)5]Cl2.H2O] and [CrCl2(H2O)4]Cl.2H2O]?

Question 10

Starting with MnO2 how could one prepare:

MnCl2, MnO42-, MnO4

Question 11

Which is more acidic: Fe(NO3)2 or Fe(NO3)3? Explain.

Question 12

Transition metals can be used as catalysts. By showing examples, explain this statement.

Question 13

Transition metals have variable oxidation states. Explain.

Question 14

Transition metals form coloured compounds. Explain.

Question 15

When KSCN was added to an orange solution, a red blood solution was formed. Write the formula of the red blood complex formed.

Question 16

Fe2(CO3)3 and FeI3 cannot be prepared. Explain.

Question 17

The log Kstab values for two nickel complexes are:

8.74 for [Ni(NH3)6]2+  and 18.6 for [Ni(EDTA)]2- 18.6

Both of these are octahedral complexes.
a) Write the equations for the formation of both of these complexes from hexaaquanickel(II) ions.
b) Explain why the stability of the two complexes is different.

Question 18

Explain how one would form CuI and CuCl. Considering that CuI and CuCl are insoluble compounds, explain why Cu2SO4 would be very difficult to produce.

Question 19

A 0.1M ZnSO4 is much more acidic than a 0.1M MgSO4. Explain.

Question 20

A sample A contains the elements Mn, N, C and O. Find the empirical formula from the following experimental data:

1.304g of the sample were dissolved in water and 25cm3 aliquots were used for analysis of Mn and N.

All the Mn in the sample was converted into MnO4 and it was titrated against 0.1036M FeSO4. 36.42cm3 of FeSO4 was needed to neutralise all of the MnO4.

The N content was converted to ammonia and this was neutralised by 21.93cm3 of 0.0987M HCl.

The carbon contents was noted by burning 0.993g of sample A were 137.7cm3 of CO2 measured at 25oC and 1 atm.