
polymer is a material made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The material would have unique properties, depending on the type of molecules being bonded and how they are bonded.

Some common polymers are:

  • polyethene: This is the most popular plastic in the world. This is the polymer that makes grocery bags, shampoo bottles, children’s toys, and even bulletproof vests. For such a versatile material, it has a very simple structure, the simplest of all commercial polymers.

Image result for ethene

  • polyvinylchloride (PVC): PVC is used in construction for pipe and in profile applications such as doors and windows.

Image result for polyvinyl chloride

  • polytetrafloroethene (PTFE): PTFE is used as a non-stick coating for pans and other cookware.

Image result for tetrafluoroethylene

Addition Polymerisation

An addition polymer is a polymer that forms by the linking of individual monomers without the generation of other by-products.

This is formed when the double bond opens up reacting with a second monomer, giving each Carbon 4 single bonds instead of 2 single bonds and 1 double bond each.

Image result for polyethylene

Image result for polyethylene

Plastics and the environment

During addition polymerisation a new Carbon to Carbon bond is being created. Such bonds are very strong and therefore these would be difficult to break down. This means that any material created in such a reaction would take a very long time to degrade, as is the case with plastics, which makes such polymers detrimental to the environment.

Questions about polymers

MATSEC May 2011 Paper 1 Question 11 d

The hydrocarbon, C3H6, undergoes addition polymerisation.

  1. Explain the term addition polymerisation.
  2. Another compound which undergoes addition polymerisation is vinyl chloride. Draw two repeating units of the polymer, PVC, which is formed from vinyl chloride.
  3. Some polymers are environmentally friendly. Is PVC considered as environmentally friendly. Explain.
  4. Give one use of PVC.

MATSEC May 2012 Paper 2 Question 13 b

A typical reaction that alkenes undergo is polmerisation, as in the case of polyethene, PTFE and PVC.

  1. Explain briefly was is meant by the term polymerisation.
  2. The polymers polyethene, PTFE and PVC are produced through an addition polymerisation reaction. Considering one of these three polymers, outline the polymerisation reaction that takes place for ONE of these polymers.