Moles VIII – Redox Titrations

Question 1

Balance the following equations in acidic conditions:

  1. As2O3+ NO3 à H3AsO4 + N2O3
  2. MnO4 + S2O32 à Mn2++ SO42
  3. H2O2+ Cr2O72¯ àCr3+ + O2 + H2O
  4. IO3 + SO2 à I2 + SO42
  5. Cr2O72 + Mn2+à Cr2+ + MnO4
  6. H3PO2+ Cr2O72 à H3PO4 + Cr3+
  7. As + ClO3 à H3AsO3 + HClO


Question 2

Balance the following equations in basic conditions:

  1. MnO4 + SO32 à MnO2+ SO42-
  2. HPO32 + N2H4à H2PO2 + N2
  3. Cr + CrO42 à Cr(OH)3
  4. CrO42¯ + S2O42¯ à Cr(OH)3 + SO42
  5. CN + MnO4 à CNO + MnO2
  6. MnO2+ O2 à MnO4 + H2O
  7. MnO4 + C2O42 à CO2+ MnO2

Question 3

0.2640 g of sodium oxalate is dissolved in a flask and requires 30.74 mL of potassium permanganate (from a buret) to titrate it and cause it to turn pink (the end point).

The equation for this reaction is:

5Na2C2O4 + 2KMnO4 + 8H2SO4 à 2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 5Na2SO4 + 10CO2 + 8H2O

  1. How many moles of sodium oxalate are present in the flask?
  2. How many moles of potassium permanganate have been titrated into the flask to reach the end point?
  3. What is the molarity of the potassium permanganate?

Question 4

Potassium dichromate is used to titrate a sample containing an unknown percentage of iron. The sample is dissolved in H3PO4/H2SO4 mixture to reduce all of the iron to Fe2+ ions. The solution is then titrated with 0.01625 M K2Cr2O7, producing Fe3+ and Cr3+ ions in acidic solution. The titration requires 32.26 mL of K2Cr2O7 for 1.2765 g of the sample.

  1. Balance the net ionic equation using the half-reaction method.
  2. Determine the percent iron in the sample.
  3. Is the sample ferrous iodate, ferrous phosphate, or ferrous acetate?

Question 5

The quantity of antimony in a sample can be determined by an oxidation-reduction titration with an oxidizing agent. A 9.62 g sample of stibnite, an ore of antimony, is dissolved in hot, concentrated HCl and passed over a reducing agent so that all the antimony is in the form Sb3+. The Sb3+ is completely oxidized by 43.70 mL of a 0.1250 M solution of KBrO3. Calculate the amount of antimony in the sample and its percentage in the ore.

Question 6

The amount of I3 in a solution can be determined by titration with a solution containing a known concentration of S2O32– (thiosulfate ion). The determination is based on the balanced equation:

I3 + 2S2O32 à 3I + S4O62

Given that it requires 36.40 mL of 0.3300 M Na2S2O3 to titrate the I3 in a 15.00 mL sample, calculate the molarity of I3 in the solution.


Question 7

A solution of I3(aq) can be standardized by using it to titrate As4O6(aq). The titration of 0.1021 g of As4O6(s) dissolved in 30.00 mL of water requires 36.55 mL of I3. Calculate the molarity of the I3 solution. The unbalanced equation is

As4O6 + I3 —> As4O10 + I