Intermediate Level Carboxylic Acids



The solubility of carboxylic acids in water is quite high, especially for short chained acids, since they would have Hydrogen bonding.


Carboxylic acids tend to dimerise in water since they can Hydrogen bond with themselves.


The acidity of carboxylic groups increases with the introduction of alpha electron withdrawing groups, while it decreases with the introduction of alpha electron donating groups.

HCOOH 3.75
CH3COOH 4.76
CH2ClCOOH 2.86
CHCl2COOH 1.29
CCl3COOH 0.65


Oxidation of alcohols

Primary and alcohols can be oxidised to prepare carboxylic acids.


Ozonolysis cleaves the double bond to produce carboxylic acids if no reducing agents are used.


Hydrolysis of nitriles under acid conditions produces the acids

Hydrolysis of acid derivatives

All acid derivatives give off the acid when reacted with water. These will be discussed in latter chapters



Like all acids, carboxylic acids react with bases and metals as an acid/base reaction. The reaction with Sodium carbonate can be used to distinguish between carboxylic acids and alcohols.


Carboxylic acids can be reduced to primary alcohols using LiAlH4 in ether.


This is a reaction which can be used to reduce the carbon chain by 1 by fusing the carboxylic acid with sodium hydroxide. The functional group will be lost.


A simple reaction to add Cl to the carboxylic acid on the alpha Carbon. This can be used to:

                Increase acidity

                Introduce another functional group

Preparation of Acid derivatives

All acid derivatives can be formed from carboxylic acids. These will be described in latter chapters.

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