Cation and Anion Analysis

How to find cations and anions

In order to analyse cations and anions a series of tests would have to be performed. These can be used to identify the elements found in a specific compounds. There are three sets of tests: flame tests, tests with bases such as NaOH and NH4OH and tests for anions.

Flame tests:

Na+: yellow/orange flame

K+: lilac flame

Mg2+: no coloured flame

Ca2+: red brick flame

Ba2+: green flame

Cu2+: blue-green flame

Pb2+: light blue flame

NH4+: no coloured flame

Al3+: no coloured flame

It is of utter importance to note that it is the ion that produces the coloured flame and not the element.

Hydroxide tests:

Addition of NaOH Addition of NH4OH
Na+ No ppt is formed No ppt is formed
K+ No ppt is formed No ppt is formed
NH4+ No ppt is formed No ppt is formed
Mg2+ A white ppt formed insoluble in excess NaOH A white ppt formed insoluble in excess NaOH
Ca2+ A white ppt formed insoluble in excess NaOH A white ppt formed insoluble in excess NaOH
Ba2+  No ppt is formed  No ppt is formed
Cu2+ A blue ppt which dissolves into a blue solution in excess NaOH A blue ppt which turns into a deep blue solution in excess ammonium hydroxide
Fe2+ A green ppt insoluble in excess A green ppt insoluble in excess
Fe3+ A brown ppt insoluble in excess A brown ppt insoluble in excess
Pb2+ A white ppt soluble in excess NaOH A white ppt insoluble in excess ammonium hydroxide
Al3+ A white ppt soluble in excess NaOH A white ppt insoluble in excess ammonium hydroxide
Zn2+ A white ppt soluble in excess NaOH A white ppt soluble in excess ammonium hydroxide

It must be noted that it is the precipitate that is the most important, and not the colour of the solution even though the solution takes it colour from the ppt. The precipitate is the hydroxide of the cation being analysed.

The reactions taking place are:

M+(aq) + OH(aq) → MOH(s)  for the formation of precipitates

When the ppt dissolves in excess base a complex would be formed, which would have a charge and therefore it would dissolve in an aqueous solution. An example is:

Pb2+ + OH → Pb(OH)2

Pb(OH)2 + OH → Pb(OH)4]2-

Although it is important to know that these complexes exist it is a chemistry of its own and students are not expected to know how these complexes form.

Testing for Anions

CO32-:    With the addition of an acid a colourless and odourless gas which turns limewater milky is created. This gas is CO2 and the reaction is as following:

CO32-(aq) + 2H+(aq) → H2O + CO2

SO42-:     The addition of Barium Chloride would form Barium Sulfate which is insoluble. On addition of acid the white precipitate formed does not dissolve.

SO42-(aq) + Ba2+(aq) → BaSO4(s)

SO32-:     The addition of Barium Chloride would form Barium Sulfite which is insoluble. On addition of acid the white precipitate formed disappears. The gas produced when the anion is reacted with an acid turns blue litmus red.

SO32-(aq) + Ba2+(aq) → BaSO3(s)

SO32-(s) + 2H+(aq) → H2O + SO2

S2-:          By reacting the anion with an acid a pungent gas is formed.

S2- + 2H+ → H2S

Cl:          Reacting the anion with AgNO3 would form a  white ppt.

Ag(aq) + Cl(aq) → AgCl(s)

                If the chloride ion is reacted with a concentrated acid such concentrated sulfuric acid white fumes would be seen, which would be HCl

Cl + H+→ HCl

Br:         Reacting the anion with AgNO3 would form a  pale yellow ppt.

Ag+(aq) + Br(aq) → AgBr(s)

                If the bromide ion is reacted with a concentrated acid such concentrated sulfuric acid white fumes would be seen, which would be HBr. this might have some brown fumes coming from Bromine.

Br + H+→ HBr

I:            Reacting the anion with AgNO3 would form a  yellow ppt.

Ag+(aq) + l(aq) → Agl(s)

                If the iodide ion is reacted with a concentrated acid such concentrated sulfuric acid white fumes would be seen, which would be Hl. this might have some purple fumes coming from the Iodine vapour.

l + H+→ Hl

                If Pb2+ is reacted with I a very bright yellow ppt is formed. This would PbI2 and this is the confirmatory test to distinguish Pb2+ from Al3+.

NO3:      By using Devarda’s alloy, a mixture of Zinc, Aluminium and Copper, which is a very strong reducing agent. This would liberate ammonia, which has a pungent smell and turns red litmus blue.

6H+ + NO3 → NH3 + 3H2O +5e

(This is the half-reaction depicting the reduction of the nitrate)

                Another test is the brown ring test, which comprises of the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid and Iron(II) Sulfate. The resultant of this reaction in the presence of a nitrate would be NO, which would form a brown ring in the middle of the solution.

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