
Nitrogen makes up 78% of the air and it is a highly unreactive gas.  This is due to the fact that nitrogen has a triple bond, and the activation energy to break this bond is very high.

Nitrogen reacts with oxygen under extreme condition (thunderstorms, car engines) to form Nitrogen monoxide, which is then oxidised to nitrogen dioxide in the air.




The haber process is used to manufacture ammonia in industry.

Catalyst: Iron

Temperaeture: 400oC (Even though the reaction is exothermic, a high temperature is used in order to increase the rate of reaction.

Pressure: 200 atm


Reacting Ammonium salts with alkali. This gives off the salt, water and ammonia.

NH_4Cl + NaOH \rightarrow NaCl + H_2O + NH_3



Ammonia has a lone pair on the nitrogen and therefore this can donate a pair of elecrtons making it a Lewis base. Ammonia can react with acids to produce ammonium salts while it can form bonds with B and Al since this both are electron deficient.


Ammonia is very soluble in water to give a basic solution.

Reducing properties

Nitrogen has a number of different oxidation states, and ammonia is the lowest of these, meaning that it can be oxidised to higher oxidations states.

2NH_3 + 3CuO \rightarrow N_2 + 3H_2O + 3Cu

Ammonium salts

Most ammonium salts decompose to give ammonia and an acid, such as:

NH_4Cl \rightarrow NH_3 + HCl

Oxides of Nitrogen

Nitrogen monoxide NO

NO is quite unstable due to the fact that it has an odd number of electron and therefore it readily oxidises in air to form NO2. 

Nitrogen dioxide NO2

It is a brown gas and can be prepared by the oxidation of copper with hot nitric acid.

Cu + 4HNO_3 \rightarrow Cu(NO_3)_2 + 2NO_2 + 2H_2O

It can also be prepared by the decomposition of nitrates are group II nitrates.

2Pb(NO_3)_2 \rightarrow 2PbO + 4NO_2 + O_2

This can be collecting and purified by passing from a u-shaped tube over ice cold water. The NO2 will dimerise to produce a liquid while the O2 will remain gaseous.

When NO2 dissolves in water it forms two different compounds:

2NO2 + H2O \rightarrow HNO_3 + HNO_2

Nitric acid HNO3

Nitric (V) can be prepared from any nitrate salt reacting with an acid.

NaNO_3+ HCl \rightarrow NaCl + HNO_3

Nitric acid is a very good oxidising agent, and it has a number of reaction that it can undergo:

Hot copper

Cu + 4HNO_3 \rightarrow Cu(NO_3)_2 + 2NO_2 + 2H_2O


Nitrates are prepared  with the reaction of nitric acid with a base.

Alkali nitrates break down to give nitrites while all other nitrates give nitrogen dioxide.